Don't be ashamed.
“Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory” – Jesus. (Luke 9) Yup. That’s right. Jesus said that. What Jesus says before this is a true reflection of what Jesus is asking of you and you better count the cost. You need to let Him lead. You need to let Him take the drivers seat. I remember the first time I didn’t share Jesus when I should of because I was scared of what some people would think about me. Afterward I was reminded of this scripture. Jesus would be ashamed of me? But there was an intimate truth and conviction that came after that thought. This was my conviction; Jesus absolutely loves me. He went through suffering, rejection, being falsely accused, whipped, humiliated and hung on the cross, for me . That was how Jesus displayed His love for me. This is how I know God loves me. The intimate part of this truth is hard to express in words, but when I felt ashamed of not sharing Jesus’ love to somebody, ...