Ask, Seek, Knock. Repeat.
“Ask and
it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.
a verse. One of the first things that God taught me is that I should always ask
Him for what ever I need and not be timid about it. Early on in my Christian
walk God showed me what faith in Him can really do. He did this in-part so that
He could show Him self to be trust worthy to me. I know He doesn't need to
prove anything to me, but He does know that I am a man who does not always
trust so easily.
a number of occasions, God has provided what I needed which seemed impossible
to get, but on one occasion He showed me how important it really is to Him. I
went for my motor bike license and at the end of it, 20 out of 21 people got
their license. There was one lady who did not get her license and when I
noticed this, God said to me to go and tell her 'don't be disheartened'.
Now I have never used this word before so I was reluctant to say
anything. On the way out to the car park I walked next to her and chatted to
her about how I had failed my truck license and attempted to comfort her.
Saying everything but what God had asked me to say. We said good bye and I went
to my car. As I am sitting in my car I felt the urgency to go and tell her what
I was told to say.
went over to her car, knocked on the window and she wound it down.
again. This is going to sound crazy, but I am a Christian and God has told me
to tell you not to be disheartened." Now, I don't do this on a
regular basis, but God will sometimes ask us to do things that don't make
This was her response "You know Jay, I have been going to
Church for 6 months and all day I have been asking God to let me get my
license. It didn't happen, so maybe I will just stop asking for
Amazing! Straight away I knew why God had told me to talk to her.
"Absolutely not!
Keep asking for things, never stop asking Him for things. He wants to talk
to you about this stuff". He cared so much about this lady not asking for
things he put me in an uncomfortable situation so he could tell her to keep
talking to Him.
did I begin to see something great in God. How much He cares about
communication and one of the most powerful lessons that any Christian can
learn; Ask, Seek, Knock.
is so much in these 3 words that express who God is and how He wants us to relate
to Him and our circumstances. And I believe that these actions are incredibly
important to God. They really say to me this; I will do the believing and you
do the providing God.
this type of believing on my behalf also requires me to act.First
I consult and ask God. Then I act on it by seeking out
what I have asked for fully expecting to find it. Then, if I have found it I
need to start knocking on the door of the house where it is. My God is
all about relationships, so it doesn't surprise me that most of the
impossible things I have received from God came from being in relationship with
people and mostly His church. Of course, these are not rules or the 3 steps to
receiving, they are actions that we should be prepared to take knowing that God
is good and our provider, believing that He has made a way.
remember, Ask, Seek, Knock. Repeat.
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