About Jay's Mission Field

Every Nation Ministries is a university campus based mission field that sends out missionaries to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to young people on the university campus.

Our vision and mission is to preach the gospel to young men and woman who don't know Jesus and to make disciples. We are a church planting organisation and want to do this in every city around the world where there is a university campus.

There is a unique window of openness in these young peoples lives. 19 out of 20 people who say they know Christ, make this decision when they are between the ages of 18 and 25. They also have the ability to take the gospel back to their families to share (which is also sometimes over the other side of the world)!

Every Nation Ministries has expended just this way to over 60 countries with over 400,000 members in 30 years.

We see Melbourne and Australia as a country poised to hear the gospel. I especially have a heart for young men who suffer from depression, anxiety and mental illness.

We would love you to join our partnership team and help raise support to send me out to the mission field and make disciples.

Please feel free to contact me via email (jay.mitchell@everynation.org.au) for a copy of the monthly newsletter or for details on how you can contact me directly. I would be happy to Skype with you or meet you face to face!

Jay Mitchell.


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