32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - Jesus. John 8: 23
does Jesus mean when he says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth
will set you free”?
is the truth? What is it to be free? I searched for the meaning of freedom
and the result was the below;
1 1. The
power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.
2. The
state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. Liberation, release, delivery, non-
me, I don't think meaning 1 leads to meaning 2, and I don't
believe Jesus was talking about the sort of freedom that meaning 1 describes.
I was 16 years old, I remember that I couldn't wait to be 18. 'Absolute
freedom!" I told myself. The freedom to be who I wanted. No more taking
orders from my parents, no more having to go to school and doing my homework
every night. Eat what I want when I want and live where I wanted to. My friends
and I would fantasise about being able to drive anywhere without our
parents and being able to legally buy alcohol and drink it where ever, when
was this really freedom?
can tell you right now, I took liberty and advantage of every bit of 'freedom'
that was credited to me when I turned 18. The end result was not freedom
at all. In fact doing all the things that I believed where actions in my
freedom brought me captivity and slavery. So how can meaning 1 in the online
dictionary also mean the same as option 2?
result in me exercising my freedom was seeing people hurt and my life
shattered. I was a slave to my thoughts and suffered severe anxiety
and depression.
day this all changed was one moment when I was in my room and at the end
of my rope. I had tried just about everything this world had to offer to find
freedom and happiness but these things led to quite the opposite. So with these
results laid before me, I thought I would give one last thing a try.
come into my life. Forgive me of my sins because I need God in my life."
That's all that I said.
I didn't
really understand what I was doing at the time, but I do know that that night I
slept like a baby having been getting an average of 4 hours sleep a night over
the past few months. When I woke up, something was different. All of a sudden I
felt that the load of life was lighter. I couldn't and still can't
express the freedom I felt.
36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be
free indeed."- Jesus. John 8: 36.
will hold you captive. When you realise that you are living in sin and are
convicted by the Holy Spirit to believe that Jesus has the ability to set you
free from your captivity, because He died on the cross to pay the price that
sin demands, and then rose again to show the authority of God over sin and
death, you will be born again and born free.
want to encourage you, once Jesus has set you free, you are both now and
forever free. This does not mean you are free to do what ever you
want, it means that you are free to live and do as God wants you to. This
is not possible when you are still captive to your sin.
know God enough to know that He wants the best for me and you. More than I
could ever hope for or dream about. That He has the ability to deliver me
into what is best for me and deliver on His promises. That He knows me better
than I know myself and if I listen and do as He asks, if I stop and receive and
seek after His love, which is freely given, I will truly, truly be
acting out in my freedom.
of Jesus I now have the ability to say 'yes' to God and 'no' to sin so as I can
receive all that God has for me.
Now, don't
think for one minute that if you sin whilst in Christ this ability to
still choose God is taken away from you. Confess your sin and try again. Keep chasing
that freedom. Sin can no longer separate you from God.
If you want true freedom, believe in Jesus and He will set you free.
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