What's your calling?

We are doing the 'Redefined' series at church, which is a 16 week series focused on searching out the truth from the sermon on the mount. We are currently in week 5 and I've loved every sermon so far. I've realised the 'missional code' that the EN Melbourne church is searching for is wrapped up in the sermon of the mount. Unfortunately the majority of Australians don't see the church (in general) as they see Jesus and this is the churches own doing. Over the generations we became a church that is hypocritical, ingenuous, abusive (toward church family, people outside of the church and especially children), we stopped loving our enemies (and more then that we fought with and tore at each other) and became pharisaical. Here is the trap of the Australian church; we cared more about how we looked, with being right, with taking the moral high ground then dealing with the reality and struggle of sin through our relationship with Jesus. We forsook J...