Killer Grace

If you are a Christian reading this than I am assuming (and only assuming) that at some point you realised that you were a person that didn’t quite meet the perfect performance that God expected of you, but at the same time, after hearing about Jesus (fully man and fully God) and what He did on the cross (as declaration of how deep and how wide His love truly is for you), and knowing that in that moment you ponder all of this you actually feel His presence and closeness, that He is right there with you because He is alive now, right now. Do you remember that? It was a great day, I am sure you remember. Greatest day of my life.

This was not an action or a ‘moment’ that you initiated. God Himself initiated it 2000 years ago, before you were even born. But He did know about you before the creation of the earth.

You didn’t initiate it.

He did.

You initiated a continuance of the sin you were born into. He came to you and stopped it. Opened your spiritual eyes, literally. He saw your sin and stopped it by overpowering it with His Grace. Sin can never over power Grace. Never. Never-ever.

There is a time coming when Grace will be completely squash out sin. Make it just a memory. We won’t ever forget about Grace’s power over sin. Jesus will have His scars for eternity. So we remember His victory and continually praise Him as “Worthy! Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!” (Revelation).

Here’s the thing. Now we have established that God’s incredible love for you came at a time when you were at your worst and how it was nothing you did to initiate it, I want to tell you why you are still here on earth and not sun baking in heaven, on the best beaches you could imagine. It’s because Jesus lives in you now and you in Him. You, (yes you!) are now called to present that same sin defeating Grace to everyone around you. If you see a person who doesn’t know Jesus dying in their own sin, break it with God’s grace because;

“where sin increased and abounded, grace (God’s unmerited favor) has surpassed it and increased the more and superabounded,
21 So that, [just] as sin has reigned in death, [so] grace (His unearned and undeserved favor) might reign also through righteousness (right standing with God) which issues in eternal life through Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) our Lord. (Romans 5 amplified bible).

Jesus said once that He did not come to condemn the world. Do you know why? The Law He gave is quite capable of doing that! The Law serves the purpose of making people realize they need a Savior. So how do you present this Grace? By expressing His love. How do you express His love? By getting to know Him as your Dad. How He truly wants to be with you. People who don’t believe can still choose to reject His Grace. That’s their choice and there are consequences to that choice. God is kind and not soft, but those decisions about consequences are God’s to make. You (YES YOU!) are still here to be superabounding Grace suppliers to those who are still sinners at heart.

Off to it then…… Start getting closer to your heavenly Dad and live like your expectant of seeing a God who is good, all the time. 

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