So what's your excuse?

There is nothing more important to God then getting people into His Kingdom.

Let me repeat that;

There is NOTHING more important to God than getting people into His Kingdom.

God knows that once He has gained sons and daughters and they enter into His kingdom (both on Earth and in Heaven), that everything that they need will follow if they continue to seek after the very thing, that sought them out.

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6.

Unfortunately Jesus knew that it doesn’t matter how great the invitation, how good the party is (even if bacon and pork with awesome crackling is being served) people may not come along to be part of His Kingdom. That all kinds of ‘worldly’ excuses would be made. (Luke 14:15-25).

“sorry, I can’t take part in this, I have to buy a house.”

“Sorry, I can’t take part in this, I have work to do.” Etc etc.

Jesus even goes to the next extreme.

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:26.

Wow. Hate. Jesus said you have to ‘hate’. Wait, what? What He is saying (and what I am learning!) when you read this in context, is everything that you need in this world is found in His kingdom and in Jesus. At the banquet table. But you MUST seek it first.

If you put anything in this world before God and His Kingdom, you’ve missed it. You’ve missed Him. You’ve missed the very thing that you came to Him for in the first place. But this is not just about you either and what you can get. Everything in this world will pass away. You, your things, your friends, your family, but His kingdom is eternal, forever, it never ends. Who and what are sending with you?

He wants you and everyone you know in His kingdom. He wants you investing your treasure there; He wants you investing yourself there.

One of the hardest but most necessary things to do, is to give up YOU. It’s a risk and a daily choice. But there is no greater expression of love than to lay down yourself for another.

“He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” - Jesus, right after he said “pick up your cross”. I am doing all that I can to live a life of faith. It’s a risk. It can be tough at times. But it drives me to my knees. It drives me deeper into Him. I fail at it, I struggle with it, but boy do I also see the rewards in it. I am betting everything on God, His Kingdom and Jesus. I want you to as well. He will meet you right were you are and welcome you with open arms and huge hug.

So what’s your excuse for not putting God’s Kingdom first?

Please remember to comment and share!


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