
Showing posts from August, 2014

This is your moment.

 God has always shown me a picture (it is a picture to illustrate only) of Him in heaven before I was born and he is getting me off the shelf to put me on earth. He looks at the shelf which has a lot of other people on it and asks Himself “'What does the world need now? Ah Ha! What I created in Jay. He has in him what the world needs”.  And He picks me off the shelf and puts me in the womb.  You have been created and hand-picked for this moment. God cares so much for the people you meet and know that He sent you to make a difference in this world. You are made for this time. He chose you to dwell in. He is not far from you, He is so close. He lives in you. You are made for this moment. Don't hold back. Psalm 139:14The Message (MSG)   and Jeremiah 1:5, Eph 1:4 13-16  Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;     you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!    ...

My God is so Big! So Big and so Mighty!

I just had a flash back of when I was in primary school, (I would have been 7) of when my year level was on a Christian camp (wouldn't see that these days in a public school). We where traveling home on the bus and it broke down. The teacher on the bus to keep us entertained made us sing a song that we sang during the camp. It went like this; 'My God is so BIG, so BIG and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do!'  And we sang that over and over and over. I wasn't raised in a Christian home but that stuck with me because something was different in the atmosphere and I knew it was because of us singing that song. Remembering it now (and I haven’t remembered that for years!), I realise that it was the Holy Spirit responding to worship. We where kids and believed what we where singing, well, I did and I didn't even know Him or who He was. My first tangible encounter was during singing on a bus full of kids. Can I encourage you? Go back to th...

"for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name." - Jesus. Revelation 3: 8

There is a Jesus revolution happening around the world. The Holy Spirit is going to shake the foundations. I really believe that Jesus is out to see as many people saved as He can and bless the pants off the world with His goodness and message of this being the year of His favour. The enemy knows it and Satan is doing the only thing he knows to attempt to stop it. Killing and destroying as many Christians   and   non Christians as possible under the cover of 'gods name'. We all know what happened when he orchestrated the death of Jesus by the Jewish Pharisees (who claimed to know God). Salvation's by the thousands. Some Christians are calling for physical vengeance and retaliation and also God to be vengeful. We need to spur Christians on to fight a spiritual battle where God will set captives free, heal the broken hearted and bring life.  Yes, stand against the atrocities that are taking place. Speak out against it. Pray for the ones who are being persecuted, b...

‘Man shall not live by bread alone" - Jesus

God is so good. All the time. I was doing some research on Isaiah 66:2 in the NIV “These are the ones I look on with favor:
      those who are humble and contrite in spirit,
      and who tremble at my word. Something just didn’t seem right with me. Let me explain; I always had a picture in my head of what it meant to be humble toward God and that was of me bowing down at the throne of some unreachable King and the only reason I did this was to do what was asked to get what I wanted or needed. When I read this verse, that’s how I understood it. That in order for God to notice me, I had to humble myself before Him. But then I remembered something… It’s Gods goodness that causes me to change, its Jesus’ righteousness and what Jesus did that causes God the Father to notice me. Its not my actions. So I delved deeper. When I ‘delve deeper’, the first thing I do is whip out my concordance. To use the concordance I have (Strong...