Praise and Worship; the ultimate form of Evangelism.

 Jesus was so alive and tangible to me when I first got saved I would be at home most nights and would worship and sing to God for however long hoping to experience just a little more of Him. I didn’t realise until recently the incredible importance and profound effects it had on my everyday life.

I would go to work and share the Gospel unashamedly. I would talk the ears off my work mates about the good things Jesus had done for my life (and theirs) and they would listen politely. Now I say ‘politely’ because a funny thing happened one day. We were out working on a job (I was landscaping) and we had a sub contractor working for us whom none of the guys had ever met. This guy was about 6ft 8” tall and extremely built. He was an amateur MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter and looked mean as. One day he came up to me while I was on my own working and he said to me “You’re the ‘God worshipper’ right?” I was a little frightened and almost said no I am not.

I responded with “what do you mean?”

“The other guys all laugh about how you talk about God all the time and they call you ‘the God worshipper’”.

I whimpered out the words “Oh. Well, then yes, that’s me.”

What he said next blew me away.

“I want you to tell me why you believe in God.” 

Wow. Out of all the people in the world, this guy wanted to really hear what I had to share about Jesus. So I told him.  I basically told him that God has made me free because of Jesus. What I didn’t realise at the time was that my freedom resulted in my daily worship at home and at Church. My point is this;

“Let my people go, so that they may worship me.” 7 times God says this in Exodus. God set you free to worship Him, you worship Him because you are free! Isn’t this the Gospel? That Jesus paid the price so that you could be set free to worship and obey Him and experience the love of God and the Kingdom of heaven right here and now?

- But You are holy,
Enthroned in the praises of Israel. (Psalm 22:3)

- Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinth 3:17 NKJ)

Jesus sits himself in your presence when you praise and worship Him and were He is, there is liberty. This is the reason you want to share Jesus isn’t it? To see others free, so that they know Gods love and freedom?

So I encourage you, worship and praise the Lord in the good times and the bad. It is the best way to show people the goodness of God and bring Him into yours and their presence.

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